My passion is helping others who are suffering from a divorce go from a place of feeling alone, empty and unsure about how to proceed to a place of abundant love and confidence, to experiencing happiness, inner peace and freedom in their lives.
Obviously, just as every individual is unique as a person, so this journey to love and confidence will also be unique. It is these journeys that it is my privilege to guide and support, and is a responsibility that I take very seriously.
The clients I work with also take it seriously, and are committed to applying themselves diligently to the work that is necessary for real, enduring change and transformation to take place. They are fully present in the coaching sessions, and apply themselves to the field work between sessions in order to get the full measure of the results they are seeking through the process.
From the experience of my own divorce and subsequent recovery as well as from years of training and experience in life and divorce coaching, I bring a broad perspective to the process of seeing those who are struggling transformed into lives of abundant love, joy and fulfillment.
If you are a person who is ready to say goodbye to that inner sense of emptiness and to begin the process toward a life full of abundant love, confidence, happiness and freedom, I invite you to request a free consultation with me to look at the possibility of us journeying together to the place where your life is abundantly full of love and fulfilling. This can be your year to embrace real emotional resiliency and wholeness; let me help you get there through one of my coaching packages.