Are you experiencing empty and uncertain feelings resulting from a divorce? Are you feeling like you are forced to face the challenges alone? There is another way to move ahead, with the confidential partnership of a personal divorce coach.
I work with people who are struggling with their divorce, so that they come through it feeling confident, happy and free.
As your personal divorce coach, I stand ready to take this journey with you, offering you not only the support of a strong shoulder to lean on and a listening ear, but also a wealth of knowledge of the business of divorce with which to guide you through the demands and confusion of this trying situation you find yourself in.
Whether it’s becoming knowledgeable about your financial situation, dealing with the division of property, sorting out what you want in terms of child custody, parenting and support arrangements or being the best possible client for your attorney so he or she can most effectively represent you in the divorce proceedings, I am there to assist you as a thinking partner and sounding board to lower the stress and assist you in making the best possible decisions for the long term welfare of you and your children.
Should you need the support and services of licensed professionals, such as a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, a Licensed Therapist, Child Specialist, Divorce Attorney or other professional assistance, I am there to help you find and connect with those who will serve you best to achieve the outcomes you desire.
I’ll also help you with the many decisions and steps to create the new life you will now lead as a single adult with or without children. From living arrangements, to financial budgeting, to co-parenting issues, to work or career decisions, I am there to provide you the support and guidance to make the best decisions for your new life.
And while we do all these things, we will also pay attention to how to strengthen you on the inside – to develop your inner reserves and resiliency for the challenges that you are facing now and which you will encounter in the future so that you can move forward with real confidence, happiness and freedom. Instead of looking to others to fill your emotional emptiness, you can learn to live a life that is full of love enough to build and sustain relationships that thrive from your own abundance.
If this resonates with you, if this is something you desire for your life, you have come to the right place. My personal divorce coaching programs are designed especially for you, to help you thrive, even in the middle of divorce, and create a new life of confidence, happiness and freedom. I’d love to talk with you about your life and situation during a free consultation via phone or Skype to see how you can go from struggling with the overwhelm of divorce to a life that’s confident, happy and free!